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老人选助听器先检查再配 别图便宜

2014-02-07 14:33来源: 互联网 编辑:济南助听器  点击:
As the growth of the age, some old people appear behind the ears, would you like a hearing aid and with what kind of hearing aid is more suitable for yourself, become the topic of many old people care about. A center hospital otolaryngology expert wang yue said that if the elderly appeared the situation of the hearing loss, the sooner the better with hearing AIDS. With hearing AIDS before, don't pursue cheap, must to the hospital for regular checks.
Behind the ears of the elderly will be decreased hearing, speech recognition rate reduce, etc., the so-called \"hear, can't hear, can't understand\". Such as delay treatment, drag died, deafness behind the ears will be increasingly serious, may also cause the mental illness, such as temper, withdrawn character produce potential threat to the elderly health.
Hearing aid is \"match\" is not \"buy\". Some elderly people at random in the market to buy a dozen dollars or several dozens yuan wearing of hearing AIDS, and the so-called \"hearing AIDS\", not only to hearing didn't help, sometimes it will damage the hearing nerve, make deaf. Now very many different kinds of hearing AIDS, such as cassette, ears, hanging ears, wearing a hearing aid, the best professional inspection to the hospital, like glasses degree, hearing AIDS also need different db, and hearing AIDS also have different db. Hearing AIDS of choose and buy must obey orders.
Hearing aid is a kind of precision of acoustic amplifier structure, such as not to maintain may affect the use effect and life, so beware: when using moistureproof, prevent heat, wash a face, bath, should never be battery best take out before you go to sleep at night; Encounter failure, should be timely sent to the manufacturer or professional health maintenance, avoid by all means to boot process, in order to avoid damage to the high precision electronic components; If it is a cassette hearing AIDS, when in use, should keep the box in the coat pocket, headphones and hearing aid between the catheter can pull or twist; Keep clean inside the ear canal, earplugs descaling periodically.